bashar al assad|assad in English

(born 1965) son of Hafez al Assad and successor to the Syrian presidency following his father's death in 2000

Use "bashar al assad|assad" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bashar al assad|assad" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bashar al assad|assad", or refer to the context using the word "bashar al assad|assad" in the English Dictionary.

1. Member of the Assad family and closely connected to key regime figures; wife of President Bashar Al-Assad.

2. It props up the murderous regime of Bashar al Assad, and has helped him slaughter his own people.

3. Sister of Bashar Al-Assad and wife of Asif Shawkat, Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance.

4. Syria is the fortress of Arabism and Bashar al- Assad is the defender of his flag

5. Protests against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad started in March but have become increasingly violent .

6. ‘Sister of Bashar al Assad, and wife of Asif Shawkat, Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance.

7. Question: The Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, is being accused of repressions against thousands of his own people.

8. Sister of Bashar al Assad, and wife of Asif Shawkat, Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance.

9. Under the rule of the Syrian Ba'ath Party, the Syrian Arab Republic was ruled by the Alawite Hafez al-Assad, his son Bashar al-Assad, and other Shi'ites, giving the 3,000,000 Alawites in Syria rule

10. Special Advisor to President Al-Assad.

11. We've also had news that an ally of the brutal Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad has also got offshore companies.

12. 25 The U.N. Human Rights Council announced it will hold a special session about Syria on Friday in an effort to persuade President Bashar al-Assad to end his assault on civilians.

13. ISIS originally emerged from the ashes of al-Qaida in Iraq, a group Assad had covertly backed.

14. Iran also backs pro-Assad Hezbollah fighters.

15. Arabism (2) Siria es el baluarte del Arabismo y Bachar al-Assad es el defensor de su estandarte

16. WikiMatrix As a result of the Syrian civil war, speculation exists on the possibility of reprisals against the Alawites leading to the re-creation of the Alawite State as a haven for Bashar al-Assad and

17. 27 In Syria, Russia and China have blocked efforts to ratchet up pressure on President Bashar al-Assad, partly out of anger with what they view as a military mission in Libya that exceeded its writ.

18. In Lisa Wedeen's 1999 study of the Syrian regime of Hafez al-Assad, Ambiguities of Domination, she wrote that the Assad regime "can compel people to say the ridiculous and to avow the Absurd." In

19. In the book, he reported Trump had considered Assassinating Assad

20. But he's requesting that we abort the airstike against Assad.

21. Even the Assad regime has pledged to abide by the convention.

22. Mr Assad has started talking again about liberating the Golan Heights.

23. But he' s requesting that we abort the airstike against Assad

24. In Aleppo governorate, groups from the Jabhat Fath al-Sham (Nusrah Front) terrorist organization used multiple-launch rocket systems, tube artillery, mortars and small arms to fire on the Amri, Ard al-Sabbagh, Binyamin, Dahiyat al-Assad, Jam‘iyat al-Zahra’, Layramun, Sukkari and Shaykh Sa‘d neighbourhoods, the Castello trade centre, the Assad Military Academy and the Hajj bridge in Aleppo city.

25. Syria's war turns 9: How Barbarity, confusion and indifference helped Bashar Assad prosper Kim Hjelmgaard and Deirdre Shesgreen, USA TODAY 3/13/2020 More than 1,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses were